Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/14/02

Administrators shall adhere to the codes of professional ethics as formulated by the ‘American Association of School Administrators’.
• The Professional School Administrator constantly upholds the honor and dignity of the educational profession in all actions and relations with pupils, colleagues, school board members, and the public.
• The Professional School Administrator obeys local, state, and national laws: maintains high ethical and moral standards, and gives loyalty to his/her country and to the cause of democracy and liberty.
• The Professional School Administrator accepts the responsibility throughout his/her career to master and to contribute to the growing body of specialized knowledge, concepts, and skills, which characterize school administration as a profession.
• The Professional School Administrator strives to provide the finest possible educational experiences and opportunities to all persons in the district.
• The Professional School Administrator applying for a position or entering into contractual agreements seeks to preserve and enhance the prestige and status of the profession.
• The Professional School Administrator carries out in good faith all policies duly adopted by the local board and the regulations of state authorities and renders professional service to the best of his/her ability.
• The Professional School Administrator honors the publics trust of the position above any economic or social rewards.
• The Professional School Administrator does not permit considerations of private gain nor personal economic interest to affect the discharge of his/her professional responsibilities.
• The Professional School Administrator recognizes that the public schools are the public's business and seeks to keep the public fully and honestly informed about their schools.
• High standards of ethical behavior for the Professional School Administrator are essential and are compatible with the school administrator's faith in the power of public education and his/her commitment to leadership in the preservation and strengthening of the public schools.

Cross Reference: American Association of School Administrators


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/99

The District Administrator shall have the prerogative to transfer an administrator to another administrative position whenever he/she feels it is in the best interest of the District.

There shall be no appeal by the administrator other than the procedure outlined as follows:
1. When such transfer is made, a conference with the District Administrator shall be arranged.
2. The District Administrator shall permit the transferred administrator to take exception to such transfer in writing with appropriate reasons.
3. The District Administrator shall present this exception to the Board of Education.
4. If the Board feels the situation warrants any further consideration, it will permit the administrator a meeting with the Board, which may be held in executive session if appropriate.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.85


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/08/01

A contract for the District Administrator shall be issued for a period consistent with State law. Termination by the Board of the District Administrator’s contract may be accomplished by notification in writing according to the procedures incorporated within state statutes and terms of said contract.

Legal References: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.24(1)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/99

The District Administrator will annually provide the Board of Education with a written recommendation relative to administrative salaries. This recommendation will be consistent with state statute. The District Administrator may recommend in writing to the Board the withholding of a salary increase for an administrator.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §111.70(1)(nc)


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/99

Prior to giving notice of refusal to renew the contract of an administrator, the employing Board of Education shall give such person preliminary notice in writing by registered mail at least five months prior to the expiration of such contract that the Board is considering non-renewal of the contract.

Request For Hearing
1. If such a person files a written request with the Board Clerk within seven days after receiving such a notice, the person has the right to a hearing before the Board prior to being given written notice of refusal to renew the contract.
2. The written request for a hearing shall include a statement requesting either a closed hearing or a public hearing before the Board.
3. If a hearing concerning non-renewal of the contract is requested, the reasons upon which the Board is considering non-renewal may also be requested and the Board shall furnish such reasons before the hearing in writing.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §19.85, 118.24


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/99

It is agreed by authorities in the field of education that the legislation of policies is the most important function of the Board of Education and that the execution of the policies should then be the function of the District Administrator. Delegation by the Board of its executive powers provides freedom for the District Administrator to manage the schools within established policies. The Board, for results, should then hold the District Administrator responsible.

Legal References: Wisconsin State Statutes §118.24, 120.12, 120.13
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.24, §121.02(1)(q) Wisconsin Administrative Code PI-18.01(2)(q) Cross Reference: 251-Review of Administrative Decisions, Job Description Manual, District Staff Handbook


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/05/01

It shall be the policy of the Wautoma Area School District to provide for job performance evaluation on a regular and continuing basis, both formally and informally, of those personnel classified as administrators. Every effort shall be made to insure that these evaluations be conducted fairly and equitably for the personnel concerned, and for the benefit of the entire school community.
A. Specific Objectives
1. To aide the personnel evaluated find ways to improve performance.
2. To ensure continuous upgrading of all educational function.
3. To determine whether the specific job standards and requirements have been met and to what degree.
4. To provide information that will assist in determining which benefits (salary, contracts, etc.) shall accrue to the administrator as result of his/her work.
B. Evaluations
1. A formal written evaluation shall be conducted with each administrator annually.
2. The District Administrator for his/her review shall file a copy of all written communication, contributing to the evaluation of the administrator, before any evaluation session.
3. A copy of all evaluations shall, upon completion, be made available to the concerned administrator.
4. The original written communication shall be placed in the administrator’s personnel file.
5. If any administrator is dissatisfied with his evaluation, he/she may appeal according to the procedures explained in the District Staff Handbook.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/99

A. Administrative Team
1. The Administrative Team will consist of the District Administrator, principals, assistant principals, supervisors, and others as designated by the Board of Education as Administrators.
B. Decision-Making Procedure
1. The District Administrator shall decide the procedure he/she may wish to use in his/her executive decision-making responsibilities and/or his/her responsibility for recommendations to the Board.
2. It is expected that the individual administrators or groups of administrators may refer their programs and questions to the District Administrator for discussion and decision by the District Administrator and/or the Board, depending upon the type or level of decision.
3. Any education topic is appropriate for presentation, as well as, any report that expresses a minority opinion.
4. Administrators are free to express the contrary opinion, if it has not already been expressed, or to call to attention new information that could alter a decision even after a decision has been made.
5. Administrators are expected to adhere to all policies of the Board and the executive decision of the District Administrator, and are expected to adopt as their own procedures and policies, those policies guidelines, procedures and/or directives finally adopted by the Board and/or the District Administrator.

Cross Reference: Job Description Manual


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 05/10/79

A. Board Access-Administrators
1. The Board of Education will deal directly with its administrative staff through its chief executive officer. Discussions and recommendations concerning contracts, salaries, and working conditions, and other similar subjects will be between the concerned group of administrators of a delegation of that group and the District Administrator.
2. If agreement is not reached with the District Administrator, it shall be understood that the dissatisfied administrator(s) shall have the opportunity to present his/her position directly to the Board.
B. Subjects Under Consideration
With reference to the aforementioned policies and the requirement for implementing these policies, until a final decision or a recommendation is decided upon on a subject under consideration by the District Administrator and/or other executive officers making the decision, free and open discussion of the topic is anticipated. However, all those considering any such subject shall retain matters under consideration that are confidential in confidence.
C. Appeal
Any disagreements on job performance or other areas of concern that cannot be resolved are to be referred to the appeals process. The procedure utilized by an administrator and his supervisor in endeavoring to obtain a satisfactory resolution of all disagreements shall be as follows:
1. Each party to the supervisor’s immediate superior must submit disagreements in writing.
2. If the disagreement is not resolved at the first level within ten school days, the original appeal shall be referred in writing, together with the superior’s report to the next administrative level (assistant principal to principal; to director; to District Administrator; to the Board)
3. The Board of Education will make the final judgment on the disposition of an unresolved disagreement including whether the previous administrative decision was a correct one. The Board may use an advisory panel to investigate appeals that reach this level although it is preferable that the Board considers administrative disagreement areas of concern itself.

Cross Reference: 222-District Administrator Contract


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/23/95

The District Administrator shall make his/her whereabouts known to the District Administration Office staff at all times. If the District Administrator leaves the District, he/she shall make every effort to communicate his/her itinerary to the District Administration Office Staff who, in turn, shall inform others who want or need to know.
A. Emergencies
1. In the case of a bona fide emergency during the District Administrator’s absence, every effort will be made to notify the District Administrator of the situation.
2. If he/she is unable to be reached, the responsibility and the authority to act for the District shall fall to the principal of each building for situations involving his/her particular school.
B. District-wide Affairs
1. Decisions of a district-wide nature, such as closing school for inclement weather, shall fall to the Wautoma High School Principal.
C. Financial Affairs
1. When the District Administrator is unavailable, the District Bookkeeping Department, in conjunction with the Board of Education Treasurer shall have the authority and responsibility for the District’s financial affairs and other matters for which they are normally responsible.
D. Long-Term Illness or Death
1. In case of a serious long-term illness or death of the District Administrator, the Board President shall call a special meeting of the Board to determine what course the District shall take at that time.

Legal References: Wisconsin State Statutes §120.10(3), 120.10(4), 120.13(16),(32)