Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/99

A. Administrative Team
1. The Administrative Team will consist of the District Administrator, principals, assistant principals, supervisors, and others as designated by the Board of Education as Administrators.
B. Decision-Making Procedure
1. The District Administrator shall decide the procedure he/she may wish to use in his/her executive decision-making responsibilities and/or his/her responsibility for recommendations to the Board.
2. It is expected that the individual administrators or groups of administrators may refer their programs and questions to the District Administrator for discussion and decision by the District Administrator and/or the Board, depending upon the type or level of decision.
3. Any education topic is appropriate for presentation, as well as, any report that expresses a minority opinion.
4. Administrators are free to express the contrary opinion, if it has not already been expressed, or to call to attention new information that could alter a decision even after a decision has been made.
5. Administrators are expected to adhere to all policies of the Board and the executive decision of the District Administrator, and are expected to adopt as their own procedures and policies, those policies guidelines, procedures and/or directives finally adopted by the Board and/or the District Administrator.

Cross Reference: Job Description Manual