Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/05/01
It shall be the policy of the Wautoma Area School District to provide for job performance evaluation on a regular and continuing basis, both formally and informally, of those personnel classified as administrators. Every effort shall be made to insure that these evaluations be conducted fairly and equitably for the personnel concerned, and for the benefit of the entire school community.
A. Specific Objectives
1. To aide the personnel evaluated find ways to improve performance.
2. To ensure continuous upgrading of all educational function.
3. To determine whether the specific job standards and requirements have been met and to what degree.
4. To provide information that will assist in determining which benefits (salary, contracts, etc.) shall accrue to the administrator as result of his/her work.
B. Evaluations
1. A formal written evaluation shall be conducted with each administrator annually.
2. The District Administrator for his/her review shall file a copy of all written communication, contributing to the evaluation of the administrator, before any evaluation session.
3. A copy of all evaluations shall, upon completion, be made available to the concerned administrator.
4. The original written communication shall be placed in the administrator’s personnel file.
5. If any administrator is dissatisfied with his evaluation, he/she may appeal according to the procedures explained in the District Staff Handbook.